The College of Family Physicians Canada MAINPRO+ credits: 33.75
Price: $1,575 + 5% GST
Holiday Inn & Suites Calgary Airport North
20 Freeport Place NE,
Calgary AB
T3J 0T6
Perfect for:
- Family Physicians
Emergency Physicians
- Urgent care
Be able to list the factors that affect wound healing
Have a knowledge of the available suture materials & be able to select the most appropriate
Be able to list the different techniques available to achieve local anesthesia
- Have practised the different techniques of local anaesthetic administration
Have practised the technique of application of a finger tourniquet
- Be able to describe finger anatomy & understand the technique of a digital finger block
- Have practised 4 different knot tying techniques to achieve optimum wound closure
Have practised the technique of extensor tendon repair
Have practised the technique of flap laceration repair
- Have practised 3 skin biopsy techniques: shave; punch; elliptical/fusiform excision
- Be able to describe the techniques involved in lip & tongue laceration repair
- Be able to provide wound closure aftercare advice
NEW Objectives:
Have a knowledge of the different subtypes of perianal/perirectal abscesses & be able to describe their management
- Be able to describe the management of 4 common finger & nail injuries and infections: paronychias; felons; partial amputations; sub-ungual haematomas
Additional Topics:
Radical nail excision
Layered wound repair
Wound undermining
- Abscess incision & drainage